Own Workshop: Setting up a unstable db handler

This is not a guide, just a development blog on the workshop that i am making.

Own Workshop: Setting up a unstable db handler
This is not on how to setup a db handler

For the own workshop backend, this is going to be quite a mess to setup for this project.

The handler would have compatibility for other databases like:

  • MySql
  • Postgress

And more in the future.

Planned schema

export type DBSchemaType = 'serial' | 'int' | 'varchar' | 'timestamp' | 'boolean';
type DBSchemaTypeLength = 'int' | 'varchar';

export interface IDBISchema {
    name: string,
    type: DBSchemaType,
    position?: number,
    length?: number,
    notNull?: boolean,
    isPrimary?: boolean,
    isUnique?: boolean,
    default?: string,

    { name: 'id', type: 'serial', notNull: true, isPrimary: true, isUnique: true},
    { name: 'user_id', type: 'int', notNull: true },
    { name: "token", type: "varchar", length: 255, notNull: true },

const USER_SCHEMA: IDBISchema[] = [
    { name: 'id', type: 'serial', notNull: true, isPrimary: true, isUnique: true},
    { name: 'username', type: 'varchar', length: 255, notNull: true, isUnique: true},
    { name: 'password', type: 'varchar', length: 255, notNull: true },
    { name: 'email', type: 'varchar', length: 255, notNull: true, },

    { name: 'id', type: 'serial', notNull: true, isPrimary: true, isUnique: true},
    { name: 'user_id', type: 'int', notNull: true },
    { name: 'setting', type: 'varchar', length: 255, notNull: true },
    { name: 'value', type: 'varchar', length: 255, notNull: true },

const ITEMS_SCHEMA: IDBISchema[] = [
    { name: 'id', type: 'serial', notNull: true, isPrimary: true, isUnique: true},
    { name: 'name', type: 'varchar', length: 255, notNull: true },
    { name: 'description', type: 'varchar', notNull: true },
    { name: 'short_description', type: 'varchar', length: 255, notNull: true },
    { name: 'tags', type: 'varchar[]', notNull: true },
    { name: 'thumb', type: 'varchar', length: 255, notNull: true },
    { name: 'media', type: 'varchar[]', notNull: true },
    { name: 'owner', type: 'int', notNull: true },
    { name: 'authors', type: 'int[]', notNull: true },
    { name: 'nsfw', type: 'boolean', notNull: true },
    { name: 'created', type: 'timestamp', notNull: true },
    { name: 'updated', type: 'timestamp', notNull: true },
    { name: 'properties', type: 'json', notNull: true },

// and so on

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